Introducing Psoriasis, a comprehensive guide and holistic health program which you can use to permanently cure psoriasis without needing any harmful drugs or dangerous surgery.

Essential oils psoriasis

Psoriasis and essential oils: precautions

Essential oils can be used to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis.
Warning ! Remember to dilute and never apply them directly on the lesions , as these concentrated oils can also cause severe inflammation reactions .
Better to seek advice from their pharmacist or doctor before using such oils .
Against psoriasis , it may be advisable to use , for example in the bath water :
the essential oil of lavender,
essential oil of geranium ,
essential oil of rosewood ,
the essential oil contained in laurel Aleppo soap .
Note : do not over thirty drops in the bath water .

Psoriasis and soft oils

With essential oils, people with psoriasis will use in the bath soothing oils that reduce inflammation and dryness of the skin.
The oils are recommended :
sweet almond oil,
macadamia oil ,
Castor oil.
These oils can limit the drying of the skin after bathing.
They do not exempt :
apply moisturizing creams or emollients ,
and practice of skin care .

Psoriasis Free For Life
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Foods To Avoid With Psoriasis

Here are 6 foods to avoid with psoriasis and in order to potentially assist with psoriasis :

1- Sugar

2- Alcohol

3- Artificial sweeteners

4- Fried foods

5- Soft drinks

6- Refined flour

you may need to read this also :
  Psoriasis treatment that really works for me

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Psoriasis Natural skincare

Psoriatics explained the hidden treasures of shea butter on their skin. It has helped relieving psoriasis itching and soothing their skin.  Application of shea butter on skin can be done both during hot and cold weather.
How to use:
• Preheat a nut of shea butter with your hands
• Gently massage your affected psoriasis skin with the shea butter
• Allow it to rest for few minutes for it to penetrate your skin
• Afterwards, rinse with a soft moisturising soap.
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Way to Soothe Psoriasis This Summer

Psoriasis treatment that really works for me

Dear Psoriasis Sufferer,

My name is angelina and just like you, I've not only endured suffering from psoriasis, but the humiliation and social stigma that comes with it too.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you about PSORIASIS SYMPTOMS - the maddening itch, the silvery scales that crack and ooze and start the itching cycle all over again. Sure, you can hide it well enough in the winter - but as soon as summertime hits, you dread walking out of your house in long sleeves, because sweating just makes the itching that much worse.

So how did I successfully cure psoriasis when all my doctors, specialists and dermatologists told me it couldn't be done?

so it's no big secret . I still have faith in our nature is that it always has the solution for our health problems. So I have done a lot of research on the natural remedy for psoriasis , and finally I found a book that summarizes the natural treatment of psoriasis is the one who finally helped me to free of this disease .check this link to know more about this wonderfull programe .

Click Here 
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Psoriasis Natural Treatment Black seed oil and Lemon juice

How I cured my psoriasis permanently in just 3 days 

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