Introducing Psoriasis, a comprehensive guide and holistic health program which you can use to permanently cure psoriasis without needing any harmful drugs or dangerous surgery.

Local treatments against psoriasis

Creams, shampoos and other are local treatments against psoriasis.
Local treatments against psoriasis include creams, ointments, shampoos and treatments applied directly to the psoriatic lesions.
There are also other kinds of treatment against psoriasis:
spa treatment,
essential oils,
herbal medicine, etc.
Local treatment of psoriasis: for mild

Creams and ointments are the basis of treatment of psoriasis.
They are the topical treatment, that is to say local, that is applied directly to the lesions.
This treatment is effective for mild psoriasis.
It can reduce the local inflammation, to prevent the proliferation of skin cells and moisturize the horny layer.
In case of scalp psoriasis, topical lotions and shampoos should be applied.

Plaque psoriasis: efficacy of local treatments

The creams and other topical treatments are the treatment of choice for mild psoriasis plaques.
In more severe cases it may be necessary to involve:
phototherapy sessions.
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psoriasis drug

The psoriasis care is primarily use local treatments: medicines are prescribed for more severe symptoms.
Psoriasis is a skin disease which is poorly known causes, but that is manifested by symptoms whose severity varies from one case to another.
This chronic disease can not be cured, but can be mitigated by many treatments:
Local: cream, shampoo, care,
phototherapy, etc.
Psoriasis Medication: for severe forms

Drugs acting systemically, that is to say on the whole organism, unlike local treatments.
They are reserved for severe forms of psoriasis:
forms very extensive with a high severity score,
resistant forms of topical treatments and phototherapy,
generalized forms as erythrodermic psoriasis or pustular psoriasis.
Drugs used against psoriasis are powerful drugs with potentially serious side effects.
They are therefore used for the shortest time and least frequently.

3 main types of medication for severe psoriasis

Several types of molecules and systemic treatments are used against psoriasis:
retinoids (acitretin)
immunosuppressants (methotrexate, cyclosporine)
biotherapies also called anti-TNF alpha.
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daily remedies against psoriasis

The small daily remedies against psoriasis ...
In addition to local drugs and treatments, there are different remedies and natural treatments to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis:
essential oils,
acupuncture, etc.
Cure Psoriasis: a healthy lifestyle primarily

No drug can permanently cure psoriasis and there is no miracle cures.
However, many steps can help:
to decrease itching and discomfort
moisturize skin
to prevent injuries worsen, particularly by limiting exposure to triggers.
A healthy lifestyle can improve the quality of life of people with psoriasis. It is therefore important to emphasize:
a good diet,
regular physical activity,
leisure and social activities satisfactory,
good sleep,
moderate alcohol consumption,
no tobacco.

Psoriasis remedies and daily care

The main effective remedies against psoriasis consist of taking care of your skin and avoid "mistakes" that might worsen the lesions:
scratching in case of itching,
use irritating cosmetics such as lotions or perfumes containing alcohol,
stay too long in a hot bath,
does not follow the doctor's recommendations and stop treatment too early.
Most local treatment against psoriasis are slow to act: they should be applied daily as prescribed for them to do full effect.
Psoriasis Treatment

Some easy and natural remedies against psoriasis

Short, regular exposure to sunlight (specifically UV) can alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis, especially in case of thrust.
This is why sometimes used and PUVA phototherapy for psoriasis.
It is best to consult your doctor before exposure to be sure not to aggravate the injury, including catching sunburn!
It is advisable to record the time spent in the sun to not abuse the easy remedy and damage your skin.

Psoriasis: find support!
This is not a "cure" to speak of, but you will see that this is often a very effective measure for morale: find support from people with psoriasis also or other skin conditions .
In France, the Association for the fight against psoriasis (APLCP) including organizes meetings for young people with psoriasis.
It provides substantial support in case of low morale or questions about the disease.
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Erythrodermic psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis can occur in people with plaque psoriasis.
This is a very serious form of psoriasis, which leads to complications.
It is also called psoriatic erythroderma.
Erythrodermic psoriasis: Psoriasis dangerous

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a severe form of psoriasis characterized by the sudden eruption of redness:
covered with scales,
which may affect more than 90% of the body surface.
This is a rare and potentially life-threatening.
This type of psoriasis can be complicated with:
secondary infections,
regulatory disorders of body temperature,
It may occur in association with generalized pustular psoriasis.

Causes of this type of psoriasis: drugs, infection ...

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis.
It occurs most often in people with psoriasis plaques longtime and very active.
It can be triggered by several factors:
an infection,
stopping treatment with corticosteroids,
taking certain medications such as lithium or antimalarials.
Important: There are also infant and neonatal forms, occurring in babies from birth.
A patient under surveillance: dehydration

Treatment of erythrodermic psoriasis based on a strict monitoring of the patient (hospital) to avoid including dehydration.
The drugs used are potent immunosuppressive drugs:
biotherapies (anti TNF-alpha), as alefacept, efalizumab, etanercept or infliximab.
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psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis affects many people with plaque psoriasis.
This is a potentially severe form of psoriasis, such as pustular psoriasis or erythrodermic psoriasis, which result in marked symptoms.
Psoriatic arthritis: skin lesions and pain

Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis belong to the spondyloarthropathy group.
Approximately 20-30% of people with psoriasis plaques eventually develop psoriatic arthritis, also known as psoriatic arthritis or psoriatic arthritis.
Cutaneous psoriasis is accompanied by joint pain.
These usually occur at the same time or after lesions of the skin, between 35 and 45 years.
Note: in some cases, joint pain precede the appearance of the plates.
This is a potentially disabling symptom, because the pain can impede the movements of everyday life.
Psoriasis Complications

Joints affected by psoriatic arthritis

The most common joints affected by psoriatic arthritis are the joints of the fingers and toes, but the large joints can also be affected.
The back and pelvis are sometimes involved.
Most often, several joints are also affected:
they are red,
swollen ("sausage fingers")
stiff and painful,
sometimes distorted (especially the phalanges).
When the fingers are affected, it is common nails are deformed (thickening, discoloration).

Psoriatic arthritis: Treatment rheumatologist

It is necessary to consult a rheumatologist for persistent joint pain.
Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is aimed at:
relieve pain and stiffness,
and reduce inflammation, which may ultimately lead to joint deformity.
Treatment is based on:
painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids),
DMARDs (sulfasalazine, methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclosporine, leflunomide)
biotherapies (anti-TNF-alpha).
Note: sessions of physiotherapy and rehabilitation is needed in case of disabling pain.
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plaque psoriasis

The majority of people with psoriasis suffer from plaque psoriasis.
However, there are other forms of psoriasis, without plate, resulting in other symptoms and complications. :
psoriasis in drops,
pustular psoriasis,
psoriatic arthritis,
erythrodermic psoriasis.
Plaque psoriasis: about 80% of cases of psoriasis

Also called plaque psoriasis, plaque psoriasis is the most common form of psoriasis, representing 80-90% of cases.
It is characterized by red patches very well defined, covered in silver-gray color scales.
The plates are located most often:
on the knees and elbows,
in the lower back,
and on the scalp.

5 types of plaque psoriasis

There are several types of plaque psoriasis:
Inverse psoriasis: Also called intertriginous, it is characterized by low red, scaly patches located in skin folds (under the breast or armpit, groin, etc.)
Genital psoriasis: affects men and women,
nail psoriasis or nail psoriasis: usually occurs in association with plates located elsewhere on the body, but it can also be isolated,
Scalp psoriasis: the scalp is the most commonly affected by plaque psoriasis area
palmar-plantar psoriasis (not pustular): presence of plaques "classic" at the palms and soles.
Plaque psoriasis: outbreaks and remissions

Plaque psoriasis is a chronic disease. There is no treatment that can permanently get rid of the plates:
in some cases they extend progressively outwardly in the healing area,
in other cases, they are stable for a long time.
Psoriasis evolves by alternating:
thrusts (exacerbation of symptoms)
remission (reduction or disappearance of plates).
Treat plaque psoriasis: the options

There are several treatment modalities against plaque psoriasis, depending on its severity and its psychological impact:
Local treatments are recommended primarily for mild to moderate psoriasis,
light therapy is effective in addition to local treatment,
drugs are for serious, widespread and resistant to local treatments.
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Guttate psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis. The majority of people with psoriasis are actually suffering from plaque psoriasis.
There are also other forms of psoriasis which still cause other symptoms:
pustular psoriasis,
psoriatic arthritis,
erythrodermic psoriasis.
Guttate psoriasis: sudden eruption of red spots

Guttate psoriasis is different from plaque psoriasis.
It is manifested by the sudden eruption of small red spots on the body, legs or face.
These spots are in the form of drops from 1 to 10 millimeters in diameter.
It mainly affects children: it is very rare after the age of 30 years.
Note: it is estimated that less than 2% of people with psoriasis have psoriasis in drops.

Angina often the cause of psoriasis drops

In over 60% of cases, the drops in flare-ups are triggered by angina, caused by streptococcal type of bacteria.
The drops appear 2 or 3 weeks after infection and may disappear spontaneously within weeks.
In some cases, however, guttate psoriasis becomes chronic plaque psoriasis.
Drops psoriasis episodes can be recurring if another strep infection.
Note: it may happen that psoriasis occurs as a reaction to a drug.
Guttate psoriasis: often spontaneous disappearance

Generally, guttate psoriasis disappears spontaneously within weeks without treatment.
The application of topical corticosteroids can be effective, but is not recommended if the rash covers a large part of the body, which is often the case.
The use of emollients and skin care and attention are required often sufficient.
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