The small daily remedies against psoriasis ...
In addition to local drugs and treatments, there are different remedies and natural treatments to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis:
essential oils,
acupuncture, etc.
Cure Psoriasis: a healthy lifestyle primarily
No drug can permanently cure psoriasis and there is no miracle cures.
However, many steps can help:
to decrease itching and discomfort
moisturize skin
to prevent injuries worsen, particularly by limiting exposure to triggers.
A healthy lifestyle can improve the quality of life of people with psoriasis. It is therefore important to emphasize:
a good diet,
regular physical activity,
leisure and social activities satisfactory,
good sleep,
moderate alcohol consumption,
no tobacco.
Psoriasis remedies and daily care
The main effective remedies against psoriasis consist of taking care of your skin and avoid "mistakes" that might worsen the lesions:
scratching in case of itching,
use irritating cosmetics such as lotions or perfumes containing alcohol,
stay too long in a hot bath,
does not follow the doctor's recommendations and stop treatment too early.
Most local treatment against psoriasis are slow to act: they should be applied daily as prescribed for them to do full effect.
Psoriasis Treatment
Some easy and natural remedies against psoriasis
Short, regular exposure to sunlight (specifically UV) can alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis, especially in case of thrust.
This is why sometimes used and PUVA phototherapy for psoriasis.
It is best to consult your doctor before exposure to be sure not to aggravate the injury, including catching sunburn!
It is advisable to record the time spent in the sun to not abuse the easy remedy and damage your skin.
Psoriasis: find support!
This is not a "cure" to speak of, but you will see that this is often a very effective measure for morale: find support from people with psoriasis also or other skin conditions .
In France, the Association for the fight against psoriasis (APLCP) including organizes meetings for young people with psoriasis.
It provides substantial support in case of low morale or questions about the disease.