Introducing Psoriasis, a comprehensive guide and holistic health program which you can use to permanently cure psoriasis without needing any harmful drugs or dangerous surgery.

psoriasis etiology

Psoriasis, a chronic skin disease is not contagious, that is not transmitted from person to person. It affects men and women alike in all ages. And what's more his appearance at a young age begins what Ban16-22 years. Psoriasis is characterized by the presence of skin peel silver color with a skin redness. Often with psoriasis suffer lack of psychological satisfaction due to appear on the skin as well as pain and itching, and may limit the movement of the joints. Psoriasis may spread in any part of the body beginning from the head and the end of the feet, and most of psoriasis appear in areas prone to pressure such as elbows, knees (collection knee), scalp, face, palm of the hand, soles of the feet, nails hands or legs, mucous tissue lining of the mouth, and genitals. The cause of psoriasis: you do not know the reasons for completely psoriasis, but recent scientific reports pointed a finger to the immune system, and a kind of white blood cells (called T cell which is based on the body from germs and diseases) are active in the development of the area to protect (eg skin) updated inflammatory activity causing a rapid division of cells of the skin and peel prematurely during a period Mn3-4 days while normal skin cell need to be 28 days. One-third of cases of psoriasis among some families have inherited. Psoriasis can appear in individuals without having appeared in the family before. The injury may have been much psoriasis subside alone, suggesting a finger this time to other factors such as climate, or sporulation, stress, dry skin, alcohol, smoking and sunburn. This has caused some types of drugs such as beta-blocker drugs group Adrenergic beta blockers such as Inderal inderal used to treat high blood pressure, as well as the drug lithium and drugs used in the treatment of depression. The drugs used in the treatment of malaria, such as: chloroquinequinacrine,, hydroxychloroquine, as well as drug Quinidine and drug Indomethacin how to diagnose psoriasis? The diagnosis of psoriasis is not easy, because the signs and etiology are similar to the signs and etiology of other skin diseases, the doctor sometimes needs to take a skin biopsy to examine under a microscope. Skin psoriasis are classified into different types, including: common psoriasis: a red leather plates topped with silvery scales resemble seashells. Psoriasis bitmap: and appear as small dots on the trunk of the body and limbs and scalp, and often generates this type of bacteria, for example bacteria streptococcus. Pustular psoriasis: show in the form of blisters or bubbles Sididip is not contagious, and may result from this kind taking certain medications, or Eubacterium, or exposure to psychological pressure or exposure to certain chemicals, and may affect a small skin areas or wide of the body. Inverse psoriasis: These are bright red, smooth, dry and painful, and infect the skin folds, such as the genitals, under the breasts, and the armpit, was generated from the friction and sweat. Psoriasis red: and be in the form of a skin redness is accompanied by a large peel and itching and pain, it has caused the burns from the sun, or to use oral Alklortazon, or other drugs cause a rash. Treatment Treatment of Psoriasis between humans and another vary and start using drugs and external radiation may end the use of drugs internally. , Response to drugs between one person and another may vary. The situation has to respond to treatment quickly the situation has become intractable to treatment. Often the situation will improve with exposure to sunlight or use mud of the Dead Sea, or the use of steroids or derivatives of vitamin D 3 (Vitamin D3), vitamin A, and tar and anthralin (Anthralin), and acid Alsalicelik (Salicylicacid) other skin moisturizers numerous.