Introducing Psoriasis, a comprehensive guide and holistic health program which you can use to permanently cure psoriasis without needing any harmful drugs or dangerous surgery.

Licorice psoriasis treatment

Licorice is one of effective solutions for many skin diseases, including eczema, rosacea and psoriasis is no exception. This is thanks to a compound in the ingredient called glycyrrhizin, which is responsible for reducing itchiness and irritation. Into the bargain, licorice also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that properly reduce inflammation and nourish the skin.

* Add 2 teaspoon of dried licorice root into water then boil. Let it simmer for 40 minutes then leave it cool down. Use a cloth to apply the liquid onto the affected area a few times a day to minimize the effect of psoriasis.

* Alternatively, put some licorice roots into a jar and pour in some olive oil. Cover it and heat it up for couples of hours or simple leave it for 6 weeks. Strain the mixture and use the oil to apply onto the affected areas. Let it sit for couple of hours before wash it off with clean water. Repeat the steps 2-3 times a day.